Corten Steel Planter Manufacturer, Corten Steel Garden Planters, Square Corten Steel Planter, Corten Planters Box, Corten Planters Supplier

Why Should You Use Corten Planters?
Each planter made of Corten steel is guaranteed to last longer than beds made of wood, plastic, fibreglass, or concrete. Even though they may cost more than other materials, they are a great investment because they last much longer – at least decades, and some Corten steel has been used for 100 years! Plastics end up in the soil over time, and wood breaks down. Fiberglass doesn't have the same strength. Wood is often the material of choice for raised beds, but it will cost more in the long run than Corten steel because it will break down more quickly. So, people looking for a nice planter or raised bed might want to choose Corten steel planter boxes instead.
Using a kit made of Corten steel is cheaper than putting together a custom planter out of wood, which is another
big project. There's no need to cut, sand, or use heavy equipment. A Corten steel planter is easy to put
together when it comes to putting it together. Each kit has all the metal panels and hardware you need to put it
together and put it in your yard. Just screw the bed together, fill it with whatever you want (either soil or a
planting mix without soil), and start planting!
Once you've put together your Corten steel planter boxes or nice planter, look for ways to make the unique
colour of the corrosion stand out more in a modern urban landscape or a home garden. Corten metal trellises give
any place a beautiful Western look that changes as the weather does. As the panel changes colour, the casters
keep the bed from falling apart. This helps the bed last for a long time.
A nice planter made of Corten steel looks good in a business setting, but it can also be used in a lush, green
outdoor garden. The greenery goes well with the rust on the Corten beds. It has a sleek, modern look that works
in a garden or xeriscaped desert area. As time goes on and the weather changes the metal, you can change your
plants to fit in perfectly. Corten steel is used for more than just planters, so you can get matching bench
tops, trellises, and patios made of it.
Each nice planter and raised bed looks great when they are all the same style, and they also look good with
other materials. Wooden benches look great between Corten steel planter boxes. By switching between different
types of metal beds, you can create a sense of uniformity and a modern look that makes any project or landscape
stand out. Corten steel makes modern landscape design easy, even for people who aren't good at art. When you
look for metal beds, bench tops, or a nice planter, you should also think about how easy it is to get to your

Using Corten Steel In A Garden
So far, we've talked about how Corten steel can be used to make a nice planter, but it can be used for so much more. You can make benchtops, wall panels, trellises, fences, wall decorations, and edging out of Corten. Corten steel is a versatile material that gives gardeners a unique look. It looks great on a patio as a fire pit or as an accent on a fountain. The texture of the panel is made to last in the outdoors, and since it changes over time, your garden will always have a fresh, modern, and unique look. Corten steel can be used for more than just making a nice planter.
Types of Corten Steel Planters

Corten Cube Planter With 100mm Feet

Round Corten Steel Planters

Corten Trough Planter With 100mm Feet

Tapered Corten Steel Planter

Bespoke Corten Steel Planters

Corten Extra Large Trough Planter

Corten Steel Raised Beds

Corten Steel Tall Planter

Corten Steel Trough Planter

Corten Steel Cube Planter

Corten Heart Shaped Planter

Bottomless Round Corten Steel Planter
Applications Industry
• Retaining Walls
• Planter Boxes
• Raised Beds
• Roofing and Awnings
• Water and Fire Features
• Bollards
Corten Steel Safety Concerns
People who garden may wonder if Corten steel planter boxes are safe for growing food and for the environment.
You don't have to worry about these things! The only thing that gets into the ground from a Corten steel
planter box is iron. Adding a little more iron to your planter box or raised bed helps plants make chlorophyll
when high acidity can't break down the protective coating too quickly.
The same is true for the ecosystem around your Corten planters. Pollution isn't a big problem because there
isn't enough corrosion going on. Corten planter boxes can stain hardscapes, which is something to think about.
Gardeners should put down a tarp, mat, or something else that will keep concrete or decking from getting
stained. Mix it with gravel to make the colour of the nice planter boxes stand out.
It takes some time for a natural patina to form on your raised bed that will protect it. We suggest putting 2
oz. of vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and 16 oz. of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. This will help it
grow faster on Corten steel planter boxes. Shake the bottle hard to mix the ingredients together. Spray the
whole planter box with gloves and eye protection on. If the spray on the planter needs to be smoothed out, use
a towel to do so. This makes the patina form faster and gives the oxidised metal a protective coating. Repeat
the process over time, letting each step dry in between, until your metal planter has the look you want.
Pretty simple!
Once the oxidised patina is as dark as you want it to be, you have a great protective coating that keeps your
planters from falling apart. After the patina has formed, you can even keep the colour by painting it with
polyurethane. Before painting the whole metal planter box, make sure the Corten steel planter box is the
colour you want it to be, and test a small area since the polyurethane coating may make it look darker. You
don't have to coat the planter if you don't want to. Even without that extra coating, the planter will still
look nice.
When Should You Avoid Corten Planter Boxes?
Corten steel is a great material for any nice planter, but it doesn't work well in all climates and weather
conditions. This is something else to think about as you look for metal garden beds and supplies. Corten steel
planter boxes can rust much more quickly in places where they are exposed to salt spray, like on beaches.
Corten steel planter boxes should be kept away from industrial areas with metal dust and high heat.
Corten metal is also dangerous in places where it rains more often than it doesn't. The metal also doesn't
work well in places that flood easily or stay wet all the time. That's because the metal works best in a cycle
of wet and dry. It needs times when it's dry in between times when it's wet to make sure its natural coating
lasts. Gardeners in these places would do well to look for metal things that can handle the humidity.
If you haven't sealed the rust patina with polyurethane, you might get a little rust on your clothes and hands
as you work around the pieces. Find clothes that you don't mind getting dirty and rusty if you can. If not,
look for a clear polyurethane paint that can be used as a sealant and keep you from getting rust while you
garden in your modern landscape.
Benefits of Corten Steel Planters
How to Rust a Corten Steel Planter?
The raw grey colour of the Watbick Corten steel planters turns into a beautiful rust patina over time.
But if you don't want to wait, you can speed up the process by making chemicals at home.
Our rustic metal planters are made by weathering steel in the same way that zinc, lead, bronze, and copper are
protected by curing and patination. So, it looks like rust, but it's actually a controlled and stable
oxidation that made a layer on the metal that was good for it instead of bad.
The best thing to do is to let the weather do its job and let the planter rust over time. When you get our
Watbick Corten steel planters, they will start to rust right away. After a few weeks or months, they will look
old and worn. This process never ends. Even when it looks very rusty, it will continue to rust.
If you do not want to wait for things to happen naturally. Here's a little tip to make it go faster.
We will need the following first:
1. White vinegar
2. Hydrogen peroxide
3. Salt
4. Can of spray
Wear gloves and watch out for your eyes. Safety comes first.
Step 1: Put a half tablespoon of salt and 16 ounces of hydrogen peroxide in the spray bottle.
Step 2: Put the lid back on the bottle and shake it until the salt is no longer visible.
Step 3: Put the Watbick planter outside on grass or a patio to keep it from getting stained.
Step 4: Spray the planter until it's completely covered.
Step 5: Let the pot dry out.
You can do as many cycles of wet and dry as you want until you get the colour you want.
Now you have a beautiful planter with a modern look to put in your garden, on your patio, or in your backyard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long can Corten planters be used?
A: Corten steel can last anywhere from a few decades to a century, depending on the conditions. Because of
this, Corten steel is a good, long-lasting material to buy.
Q: Is it safe to plant vegetables in Corten steel?
A: Yes! The protective patina on corten steel makes it high-quality and less likely to leak into a garden bed.
Q: How do you make a planter out of Corten?
A: Your raised bed kit comes with everything you need to put it together easily, like easy-to-follow
instructions on how to rust the bed.
Q: What can I grow in a planter made of Corten steel?
A: You can plant anything in a Corten planter, just like you can with most weathering steel. The only thing
you need to think about when looking for planters is what size works best for you.
Q: Do steel planters rust?
A: Some don't, but Corten steel planters and raised beds do, and that's what people who look for Corten
products want! As the planters rust, a strong protective coating forms. This coating slows down the corrosion
process, keeps the metal a nice colour, and makes it stronger.
1. How long can Corten planters be used?
Corten steel can last anywhere from a few decades to a century, depending on the conditions. Because of this, Corten steel is a good, long-lasting material to buy.
2. Is it safe to plant vegetables in Corten steel?
Yes! The protective patina on corten steel makes it high-quality and less likely to leak into a garden bed.
3. How do you make a planter out of Corten?
Your raised bed kit comes with everything you need to put it together easily, like easy-to-follow instructions on how to rust the bed.
4. What can I grow in a planter made of Corten steel?
You can plant anything in a Corten planter, just like you can with most weathering steel. The only thing you need to think about when looking for planters is what size works best for you.
5. Do steel planters rust?
Some don't, but Corten steel planters and raised beds do, and that's what people who look for Corten products want! As the planters rust, a strong protective coating forms. This coating slows down the corrosion process, keeps the metal a nice colour, and makes it stronger.
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